The first 7 days as FREE TRIAL
Free premium email support
Premium protection for up to 5 email identities
Protected for one year with 3 months notice of termination
The first 7 days as FREE TRIAL
Free premium email support
Premium protection for up to 10 email identities
Premium identity protection with flexible license duration and 1 month notice of termination.
The first 7 days as FREE TRIAL
Free premium email support
Premium protection for up to 15 email identities
Premium identity protection with sensationally flexible license duration and 1 month notice of termination.

The BULIDSEC products and services are based on extremely sensitive data. We are aware that indications of compromise obtained from our service can be used to harm victims of identity theft. Therefore, we want to ensure that only real persons are gained access to our services. This is also the reason, why we do not provide our products and services as a public download.
The BULIDSEC products and services contain a free 7 days test period. During this time, you can test and identify the advantages of our products and services at no costs. Your PayPal or credit card will be charged after this 7 days period and only if you did not canceled the service by following the cancelation procedure.
In general, this is not possible. However, if you believe that you have a valid use case (e.g. you are working on a scientific topic, you are journalist, etc.) you can contact us. Please, be aware that we will reject such requests, if you do not provide sufficient proof for your use case.
In general, BULIDSEC do not provide access to its services and products without registration. However, you can contact us with your specific use case. Please, be aware that we will reject such requests, if you do not provide sufficient proof for your use case.
At BULIDSEC, we set our focus on quality than on quantity. The BULIDSEC unique set of AI and Machine Learning algorithms as well as manual cyber investigation and quality assurance of the collected credential data are applying an extensive set of 27 attributes for identification of fake identity leaks. In this way, we do not disturb you without a reason and we provide you only with real identity leakage findings that contain your digital identity. For more information, please refer to the “HOW DOES BULIDSEC EMAIL IDENTITY GUARD PROTECT YOUR ONLINE IDENTITY?” section.
In addition, most of the free Email Identity Check services are providing email based notification in the case of compromised email identities. At BULIDSEC, we see such notification as extremely critical. Therefore, we do not notify you through an email on a compromised email address, that this email address has been compromised. The BULIDSEC products and services apply a secure notification channel that is implemented within the BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard Client. Furthermore, the BULIDSEC Client allow us to built our identity monitoring service as data-arm as possible. For the monitoring of your digital identities, we do not require an extensive set of personal data, but only your email address.
Furthermore, the BULIDSEC subscription models include a free of charge 24/7 Email support to its customers that helps them to manage the stressful identity theft situations in the best possible way.
Finally, as a European company, BULIDSEC pay extra attention and comply with European data privacy and protection regulations. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy, terms and conditions, cancelation policy and EULA.
At BULIDSEC, we set our focus on quality than on quantity. The BULIDSEC unique set of AI and Machine Learning algorithms as well as manual cyber investigation and quality assurance of the collected credential data are applying an extensive set of 27 attributes for identification of fake identity leaks. In this way, we do not disturb you without a reason and we provide you only with real identity leakage findings that contain your digital identity. For more information, please refer to the “HOW DOES BULIDSEC EMAIL IDENTITY GUARD PROTECT YOUR ONLINE IDENTITY?” section.
Most of the free Email Identity Check services are providing email based notification in the case of compromised email identities. At BULIDSEC, we see such notification as extremely critical. Therefore, we do not notify you through an email on a compromised email address, that this email address has been compromised. The BULIDSEC products and services apply a secure notification channel that is implemented within the BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard Client. Furthermore, the BULIDSEC Client allow us to built our identity monitoring service as data-arm as possible. For the monitoring of your digital identities, we do not require an extensive set of personal data, but only your email address.
As a European company, BULIDSEC pay extra attention and comply with European data privacy and protection regulations. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy, terms and conditions, cancelation policy and EULA.
Furthermore, we apply state of the art cybersecurity industry standards for achieving the end-to-end confidentiality and integrity of any personal data that are required, processed and stored for the provisioning of our products and services.
No, BULIDSEC will not expose or share any identity breach data to you or any other third parties. The extreme sensitive credential data that our products and services use is securely processed aggregated and abstracted in way that no raw identity data (credentials including passwords) is going to leave our premises.
No, BULIDSEC will not expose or share any identity breach data to you or any other third parties. In spite of the fact that the extreme sensitive credential data that our products and services collect and apply may harm compromised persons and companies, BULIDSEC does not participate in any data exchange. The sensitive information is securely processed, aggregated and abstracted in way that no raw identity data (credentials including passwords) is going to leave our premises.
No, BULIDSEC will not expose or share any identity breach data to you or any other third parties. In spite of the fact that the extreme sensitive credential data that our products and services collect and apply may harm compromised persons and companies, BULIDSEC does not participate in any data exchange. The sensitive information is securely processed, aggregated and abstracted in way that no raw identity data (credentials including passwords) is going to leave our premises.
The team of experts staying behind the BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard have more than 25 years of experience in the cyber security field. The most experienced of us have been working in various technical and management positions, fighting against cyber criminals for years. During the years, the BULIDSEC experts built an extremely broad personal network of cyber security experts from all over the world and a unique set of connections and various sources in the underground cyber space. These are utilized daily for the identification of new data leaks (identity theft) that contain exposed email account credentials and further privacy related information, such as names, addresses, phones, payment data, etc.
In addition to the 24/7 personal monitoring and investigation for stolen online identities, we built a novel set of machine learning and AI based algorithms, running continuously in the BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard cloud that perform big data analysis of million suspicious data sets that we discover daily in the underground cyber space.
No, you cannot. We do not support cyber criminals by any mean.
We will be glad to answer every possible question, you may have. You can contact us by using one of the provided ways.
BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard requires Internet connection in order to continuously verify your email identities with the BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard Cloud.
BULIDSEC Email Identity Guard is currently available for Microsoft Windows 10. Other Microsoft Windows versions and other operating systems, such as MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS are coming soon.